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We provide architectural consulting services in the traditional sense, and in addition, a range of services that have traditionally been placed with developers and client advisors. Typologically, we primarily deal with commercial/retail/stores as well as residential construction, including new construction, renovation, remodeling, and conversion.

Feasibility Study

When we carry out a so-called “Feasibility Study”, it is a process where we, often in a short time, uncover the possibilities for constructing a building. We clarify a whole range of conditions in connection with, for example, local planning, the physical prerequisites of the site, architectural context, etc. It is a consultation where we at once define the client's opportunities and at the same time inspire further development.

Due Diligence

In connection with the acquisition of larger properties and land, a "Due Diligence" process is most often carried out before the final contract is signed. We contribute with the construction technical parts of this process. This includes conditions such as conservation status, additional building rights, condition of existing buildings, local planning conditions, etc.

Process Consulting

In situations where a project has many stakeholders, the successful completion of the project requires that the process itself be planned. We take care of planning the process and organize workshops, brainstorming sessions, information meetings, etc.

Client Consulting

We provide traditional client consulting and represent our client's interests in connection with, for example, turnkey contracts.


OGA is a 100% 3D-based architectural firm, therefore it is always quick and easy to have us sketch a project. At the same time, we possess the experience that allows us to consider and contemplate all the prerequisites, constraints, and challenges from the sketching phase that are always present in the process towards a successful construction. 

Technical Design

OGA delivers all services in the traditional phases from preliminary proposals through main project to professional supervision. When the project benefits from it, we design in 3D following the applicable ICT regulations. If the project is larger than our capacity, we enter into collaborations with larger and/or specialized colleagues. However, it is always of the utmost importance to us that our client has so-called "one point of contact" regardless of whether we have sub-advisors or not. The design is carried out with quality assurance according to the guidelines in DS/EN ISO 9001:2008.

OGA – Oliver Grundahl Architecture ApS

Rådhusstræde 6B, 1.sal 1466 København K, Danmark

CVR: 28 30 94 30

Copyright © 2024 OGA APS

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